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Five Ways to Calm Vaginal Burning at Home

             Having a diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome can arouse negative feelings and emotions. These feelings are normal, especially when we are experiencing IC symptoms for the first time. Being aware of our emotions and how we respond to them is crucial to the healing process for our mind and body.

             Many IC sufferers experience vaginal burning along with their other symptoms. While you must see a doctor to rule out any acute conditions, such as an infection, there are many ways to help ease the burning naturally…and prevent future episodes. Following are five simple tips that may help.

             1. Use unscented laundry and personal care products. Perfumed menstrual pads, laundry detergent, fabric softener, even scented dryer sheets can inflame the genital area. Most products, even store brands, usually have an unscented version

            2. Try a low-acid diet. Based on the theory that acidity increases the burning of urine, which can increase vaginal burning, you may find a low acid diet helpful. For example, many caffeinated products such as coffee, tea, and numerous sodas are highly acidic and can be extremely irritating to bladder and genital tissues. Foods such as citrus fruit and nuts are examples those with high acid content.

            3. Watch what you wear. Self-induced “wedgies” from thongs can cause further irritation to your sensitive genital tissues. Pantyhose can definitely trap bacteria and tightly press against you. Some women even burn from the pressure of tight jeans. Think about switching to skirts or yoga pants. Try wearing thigh-high’s or stockings with a garter belt underneath.

            4. Eliminate tampons. Hormones can change the pH balance of your vagina around your period, making you more prone to infection. Tampons soak in far more of the menstrual fluids than pads, allowing for deeper penetration of potentially irritating substances and an increased likelihood of infection. Tampon insertion alone can cause a lot of pain when the vaginal tissue is already inflamed or raw. (And if you use pads, be sure to change them often as well.)

            5. Drink a lot of water. Remember that plain old water can be your best friend. It’s one of the kindest things that you can do for your body overall. Water further dilutes the acid concentration in your urine and can relieve burning and pain. Water helps relieve constipation, joint pains, headaches, IC symptoms, and much more. Drink bottled or filtered water rather than tap water because additional chemicals may be added to regular drinking water. While you may not be able to eliminate your pain entirely, these simple suggestions may make a big difference in how you feel. Adapted from the booklet, 64 Tips to Relieve Sexual & Pelvic Pain by Susan Bilheimer with Robert J. Echenberg, M.D.